Safety is defined as being free from the occurrence of accidents.
The Accident is defined as an unplanned and uncontrolled event in which an action or reaction of an object, person, substance, radiation results in a person’s injury.
Classification of Accidents

Significance of safety in Industry
Accident-free zone and safe atmosphere will result in improvement in the work culture.
It will increase productivity.
It will decrease the less labor turnover.
It will increase the profits of the company.
It results in the harmony of the company.
Cost aspects of Accidents
There are 2 types of costs.
Direct Cost
Indirect cost
Direct cost
It’s related to accident history like downtime cost, medical expenses, etc.
It also includes the exgratia of the worker's family.
Indirect cost
It includes below.
Cost of production
Cost of machine replacement
Cost of training a worker.
Advantages of safety program in an industry
Increased productivity
Lower labor turnover
Improves production
Improved labor-management relation
Substantial reduction in direct and indirect costs
Causes of accidents:
Unsafe acts of person:
Taking unsafe posture or position
Unsafe loading/placing
Using unsafe equipment
Making safety devices inoperative.
Operating at an unsafe speed
Failure to use protective devices
The unsafe mechanical condition of the machine
Poor ventilation
Bad light or glare
Improper height
Defective, rough, sharp, slippery area of machine
Unsafe cloths
Unsafely arranged or poor housekeeping
Not wearing mask/goggles or earbuds.
Unsafe process(chemical/electrical/Nuclear)
2% | unpreventable |
50% | Practically preventable |
98% | preventable |
Safety Measures
Improved physical and mechanical conditions
Precautions are taken for the new machine
Providing protective equipment
Good housekeeping & odor
Periodic inspection of machine and methods.
Committed management
Workers cooperation
Strong and stable Trade unions
Safety postures
Safety contest
Safety day/week
Safety training
We can measure the accidents from the below formulae.

Interpretation: Safe-t-score is a dimensionless number and it is a statistical tool for measuring the rate of accidents.
+ve Number= Worsened situation
-ve Number= Improved situation
If the score is between +2 & -2 change is not significant.
If the score is >+2 record is significantly worst.
If the score is <-2 record is better.
Given the following data with respect to the industry at 2 different locations for 2 different places. Carry out safe-t-score test and interpretation.
Location X:
2004 | 10 accidents | 10^4 hours |
2005 | 15 accidents | 10^4 hours |
Location Y:
2004 | 1000 accidents | 10^6 hours |
2005 | 1100 accidents | 10^6 hours |

Compare to 2 locations, location X is better.
In location X even though the accidents increased by 50%, the change is not significant.
It is in the range of -2 to +2
The situation in Y is worsen as t is >+2.
A 10% Increase in accidents is highly significant.
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