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Writer: textilecoachtextilecoach


The process of coating the fabric with a layer of wax is known as waxing. Waxing is done for water repellency.

Types of Waxes:

  • Vegetable Wax.

  • MC Wax. (Microcrystalline Wax)

  • Paraffin Wax.

  • Bee Wax.

Types of Waxing Process:

  1. Kiss Waxing.

  2. Normal Waxing.

Kiss Waxing: Waxing is done only on one side of the fabric with a truff roller setup.


Normal Waxing: Waxing is done by dipping the fabric in the truff i.e., both sides of the fabric are coated with wax.


The action of Chemicals:

Vegetable Wax: Water Repellency.

Aluminum Super Gel: To create Jelly texture.

ZnO: To break the Jelly substance created.

China Clay: Filling agent.

Anti-Fungal Agent: Antifungal Behavior.

Rice Bran Oil: Acts as Thinner.

Processing Parameters:

Wax temperature: wax is melted at 150oC.

Calendaring roller temperature: 110oC.

Machine Speed: Based on GSM.

Effect of Speed on Waxed Fabric GSM:

  • In the case of Kiss waxing with an increase in speed GSM increases. As the Roller speed increases add-on increases.

  • In the case of Normal Waxing with an increase in speed, GSM decreases, As the speed increases contact time decreases so that pickup decreases and GSM decreases.

Add-On Calculation:

For Waxing there will be no MLR, but the recipe is done based on addon percentage.

Add-On % = (Final GSM – Base GSM) X 100 / Base GSM.

Waxing Machine:

Zones in waxing machine.

Feed Zone: Fabric is fed in open from.

Waxing Zone: Waxing is done at this zone.

Drying/Calendaring Zone: Here Waxed fabric is dried or heat set.

Delivery Zone: Waxed Fabric is delivered in open width form.

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