(Capacitance Method)
WIRA fibre diagram machine:
(length for combed wool fibre)
Parallel fibres have one end sealed between strips of plastic.
Measurement is carried out by pulling the fibres “draw” through measuring slots.
M/c measures the capacitance as the ‘draw’ passes through slots. (capacitance is proportional to the amount of material)
Measured Length is calculated from the ten-length reading taken at 10% interval between 5% and 95% (= S Li / 10).

Wool fibre length measurement by Almeter:
(capacitance method)
An automatic version of the WIRA fibre diagram machine, with modification.
The sample is prepared by fully automatic m/c known as “fibroliner”.
During measurement, the sample is moved (trapped between two plastic films) at a constant speed with the longest fibre entering the capacitor first.
Change incapacity is caused by the amount of fibre.

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